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Bald Eagle Tattoos

Looking for Bald Eagle Tattoos?

Besides being the national bird and the symbol of freedom in the United States since the 1700s, the bald eagle may represent a variety of different groups, meaning, and feelings.

Servicemen and women often choose tattoos of bald eagles along with word banners or other embellishments.

The epitome of pride, freedom and liberty, bald eagles, which are only found in North America, can be incorporated into so many types of tattoo designs.

One of the most popular styles includes those that feature the American flag.

Shades of red, white, and blue are common colors to incorporate into bald eagle designs if patriotism or the U.S. military is the main theme.

Some tattoos feature the flag wrapped around the eagle, or grasped in its claws, or simply as the background.

White clouds, blue waters and skies, sunsets in hues of oranges, reds, and pinks, and trees done in shades of greens or browns are just some of the many colors and embellishments that may be used to enhance tattoos of bald eagles.

There are free tattoo flash designs to find on the internet, plenty of more intricate images for a fee, and of course, many choose from in tattoo shops.

Another design theme to consider when getting these tattoos is tribal-style, or simply a black outline of just the head of this majestic bird.

With a distinct appearance, the bald eagle has bright white feathers on its tail and head, a brown body, and a curved, yellow beak.

One of the most powerful of all predators, the bald eagle makes for a rather impressive tattoo, especially if done realistically shown in flight with their wingspan, that in reality may reach seven feet wide, and of course their razor sharp talons.

Known for being fearless and independent, bald eagles are often found over water since most of their diet is comprised of fish.

They are also fierce protectors of their young, often doing battle in mid-air to defend their territory.

The eagle is also able to spot invaders up to two miles away, which gave us the expression “eagle-eyed.”

All-in-all there are many reasons to choose bald eagle tattoos as they represent so many great emotions, thoughts, and are symbolic of overall strength and devotion.

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