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Dove Tattoo

Looking for a beautiful dove tattoo?

The universal symbol for peace, the beautiful dove is a perfect tattoo to convey a variety of different meanings.

Birds in general have always been popular in the world of tattoo design, but doves in particular invoke many feelings of symbolism and emotion.

Some dove designs are done in memory of a loved one who has passed away and may feature the person’s name or some type of inscription.

A dove in flight is said to symbolize the freeing of one’s soul after death, which is why they’re sometimes released at funerals.

Doves are often associated with beauty, tranquility, and a sense of calmness.

Doves are also common at weddings as they have come to denote feelings of love and happiness.

In some denominations of Christianity, the dove is the symbol of the Holy Ghost.

It is also known for being a messenger of hope, since it was the dove that brought back proof of dry land to Noah during the flood in the form of an olive branch.

Tattoos of doves flash, which is tattoo art or pictures of tattoo designs, can be found on various sites on the internet or in tattoo shops.

Of course, some people choose to design their own tattoos, or find pictures of doves in books or magazines that they’ll bring to their tattoo artist to replicate or work with.

A dove is usually done in shades of white or light grays and silvers, although they can be done in any color you choose.

Depending on the intricacy and size of the finished design, doves can be tattooed on the shoulders and upper or lower back.

They can also be tattooed on the arm as armbands complete with olive branches or other embellishments such as hearts, ribbons, and word banners.

A graceful dove tattoo can also be seen tattooed on the chest, legs, ankle, or just about anywhere on the body as gorgeous works of art.

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