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Eagle Tattoo Designs

Eagle tattoo designs are super popular, and come in many, many different styles.

The Greeks and Persians believed that the Eagle was holy, and sacred to the sun.

It is the great symbol of Zeus, king of Greek Gods.

For this reason, those who are partial to mythology such as this might be fond of eagle tattoos.

However, today, the eagle tattoo is popular for a different reason.

Of course, the eagle is the symbol of the United States of America, and men and women in the military absolutely love eagle designs.

It symbolizes a respect and love of freedom, a thing the United States was founded upon.

A deep respect for freedom can be found in soldiers and military people, so it's natural that they want to get a design that symbolizes what they feel for their country.

It also is very dear to them because it is what they fight for every day. Tattoos of eagle designs are typically a male design however, women enjoy them as well.

On men, the eagle is usually placed either on the chest, upper arm or back.

Colors range from the traditional brown and white to the red, white and blue of the American flag.

In the same way that the lion is lord of the land, the eagle is lord of the sky, and eagle designs are symbolic of that.

Men who have overcome difficulties or situations and have prospered because of them might feel a particular bond with the eagle, who swoops from mountainside to mountainside without tiring.

Tattoos of eagle designs can be found on the internet easily, and since they are so popular, they can also be found at most tattoo shops.

If you are a man or a woman who loves your country, or has a particular fondness for Greek Mythology, eagle tattoo designs would definitely be something worth looking into.

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